2025 Provincial Progress Report for

 Premier Doug Ford and Deputy Premier Sylvia Jones

Announcing the 2025 Provincial Progress Report Card for MPP Sylvia Jones and Doug Ford.  It is about time we held our Ministers of Provincial Parliament, Sylvia Jones who is also the Deputy Premier and Minister of Health for Ontario as well as Premier Doug Ford accountable to their past term in a Performance Report by showing their voting records

The bills are broken out into categories, so the rationale for why Premier Ford and MPP Jones were not acting in the best interest of Ontarians could be easily consumed.,  Below are the bills hat they voted on in this partial session of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario ranging from August 2022 to January 2025.  See how our Deputy Premier and Premier voted or didn't show up to vote on some of these bills that impact the lives of residents in Dufferin Caledon and Ontario

Link to the sheet that contains all the links to the recorded votes

Out of the 83 Bills that came to be read and voted on

Doug Ford was absent for 38  votes

 and Sylvia Jones was absent for 20 votes

Grade C - Agriculture and Budget

MPP Jones voted Yes for half of the bills here and was absent from voting for the other half of bills.  Doug Ford was present more than MPP Jones, but made sure to be present for Budget Bills

Failing Grade - Childcare, Climate Change and Education 

Sylvia and Doug both voted Nay to Bill 191 to improve the childcare workforce in Ontario.  Climate Change was not a priority as Sylvia Jones and Doug Ford voted Nay or were Absent for many final reading votes.  As for education, not much was done to improve the classrooms for our future workforce and leaders, and is pretty easy to see why educators aren't happy with Sylvia and Doug

Failing Grade Energy and Gun Violence

Sylvia Jones was absent for the vote on Bill 165, Doug Ford voted Aye, the Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024, which aims to make energy more affordable for residents. Sylvia voted No to Bill 9,  Doug Ford was absent, the Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2022, which aims to reduce gun violence through intervention programs and community support.

 Failing Grade - Healthcare votes

Sylvia Jones is the Minister of Health for Ontario, during the past 6+ years little to no reform of our healthcare has happened.  Long surgery, ER and as of July 2024 2.5 million Ontarians don't have a family doctor.

There were 11 Healthcare bills brought to the Ontario Legislature in her term. 5 Nays,  4 Ayes and 1 absent from vote, the Minister of Health doesn't seem to advocate for our healthcare.  

Out of the Ayes that she voted on, they were for moving patients out of hospital to alternate care facilities and allowing for procedures in communities outside of the current locations of care, which can lead to more privatization by allowing more services to be performed outside traditional hospitals

Failing Grade - Housing and Infrastructure

Ontario is in a crisis when it comes to Housing and rental accommodations.  7 Bills were brought to the OLA, where Doug Ford was absent 5  votes on housing bills.  Sylvia Jones was Absent for 1 vote and had 4 Nay votes on important housing issues such as Bill 48 for rent control, Bill 163 for Rent relief for 2025 as well as Bill 170 losing for keeping people housed.  MPP Jones did vote Aye 2 times, 1 for Bill 23 building more homes faster, which has negative impacts on the environment and no affordable housing accommodations and she also voted Aye for Bill 97 which increases the use of Ministerial Zoning Orders, loss of farmland and environmental concerns.  Also in this block of Votes is Bill 154 which is the redevelopment of Ontario Place where MPP Jones voted Aye and Doug Ford was mysteriously absent from the vote.  Overall, the defeat of  these housing bills means that several measures aimed at improving housing affordability, tenant protections, and increasing the housing supply have not been implemented,  worsening the housing crisis in Ontario.

Failing Grade - Justice and Land use votes

Out of the 7 Bills, MPP Jones was absent for 3, voted Nay to reduce the Tribunal backlogs such as Tenant tribunals and human rights tribunals.  The most disturbing of these absences were the votes pertaining to the preservation of farmland whereas Dufferin Caledon is over 50% used for agriculture.  How is this supporting the needs of her constituents by not being present for agricultural bills that lost at second readings?
Premier Doug Ford was absent for 6 out of the 7 votes, only voting Aye for Bill 224 along side MPP Jones for Safer streets,  Funny they passed that bill together while Dufferin Caledon roads are so dangerous to drive

Grade D - Long Term Care, Municipal Powers and Process

Premier Doug Ford and Sylvia Jones had a much better attendance record for the votes broken out in this category.  With Doug Ford only being absent for 2 votes and Sylvia only absent for 1 vote.  They were both absent for the Bill 148, the Cleaning Up Corruption Act, 2023, aimed to enhance transparency and accountability in government. They voted in unison for the Strong Mayor Powers, dissolution of Peel and Bill 91 Less Red Tape which bears more financial responsibility on municipalities.  MPP Sylvia Jones did vote Aye for Bill 185 Cutting Red Tape to Build More homes, which really increases the financial responsibility on municipalities

Grade D - Votes on Provincial Powers, Reconciliation, Road Safety, Social Advocacy and Taxation

There are  10 votes in this section and Premier Doug Ford was absent for 50% of the votesMPP Sylvia Jones was absent  for 2 votes.  Now with Road Safety being a hot topic in Dufferin Caledon  Premier Ford voted Nay to the Bill 40 Moving Ontarians Safely - Our MPP Jones was absent and for Bill 43 Making Northern Highways Safer MPP Jones was absent and Premier Ford voted Nay.

Both MPP Jones and Premier Ford voted Nay to the Bill 221 for Reconciliation and Nay to Bill 100 Strengthening Member's Integrity Act for gifts and personal benefits

Failing Grade - Transportation and Utilities

There are 7 votes in this section of Bills. Premier Doug Ford was absent for 4 votes and MPP Sylvia Jones was absent for 3 votes.  Out of Transportation, the failing grade was given to both of them being absent for the Controversial Bill 212 (Highway 413) which we know they both endorse as well as the Nay Votes from Sylvia for making Transit more accessible in Bill 82 and Bill 184 she and the Premier were absent from this vote to improve transportation infrastructure and services.  Both Doug and Sylvia were absent from Bill 213 the Affordable Home Heating Act too